Happy Robert E. Lee Day! January 19th.

Robert E. Lee Day is a state holiday in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Virginia and Mississippi. This week, celebrate one of America’s greatest heroes!


Happy Robert E. Lee Day! January 19th.

Robert E. Lee Day is a state holiday in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Virginia and Mississippi.

This week, celebrate one of America’s greatest heroes!


Confederate Statue Defender Wins GOP Nomination For Senate In Virginia.

From huffpost

Virginia Republicans have selected Corey Stewart, best known for his love of Donald Trump, his defenses of Confederate monuments and his attacks on undocumented immigrants, as their nominee this November against Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine.

Stewart made an unsuccessful run for Virginia governor in 2017, when he nearly upset former Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie in the GOP primary. In that race, Stewart emphasized his defense of statues of Confederate generals, comparing politicians who sought to take them down to ISIS extremists.

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Politicians prevent police in Charlottesville from keeping law and order.

Politicians that Hate Confederate Monuments Hate their Ancestors.

Confederate Memorial Day 2016

The theme this year for our Confederate Memorial Day service was the story of Major Utz.


UTZ Camp Initiation Ceremony March 2016

Our Initiation Ceremony for our March Camp Meeting was a great success. We had 36 people in attendance. Now Gimme a Rebel Yell.

UTZ Camp Initiation Ceremony March 2016

Confederate Memorial Day 2015

Bridgeton Missouri, Confederate Memorial Day 2015

Our keynote speaker this year was Mr. Gale Red, Adjutant of the Lt. George E. Dixon Camp #1962. His subject is very poignant in this day and age of the moral disintegration of America. Titled; “Our Confederate Ancestors are watching”. In S.D. Lee’s “Charge” he states that we are pledged to defend our Confederate ancestor’s good name, to live according to his high moral qualities, and to carry on the principles which made him the ideal person that he was. It is good to be reminded of the high expectations our forefathers had for us.



Confederate Flag Rallies Draw Thousands From Across The South.

In the aftermath of the TV campaign of hatred against all things Confederate, good folks are outraged at the ongoing attack on their Southern symbols.

From Occidental Dissent

Confederate Flag Rallies 2015-1

Splendid news from across Dixie today, as thousands of brave White, and some Black, men and women assembled across several states to demand their heritage and symbols be restored and respected.

The largest rally in Montgomery, Alabama, site of Governor Robert Bentley’s treasonous decision to remove the Confederate flag from the Capitol monument, drew well over a thousand folks, by conservative estimates, and was hailed as a massive success by those organizing the event.

Speeches concerning the attacks on Southern culture and history were given to a rapturous crowd, topped off with a thunderous rendition of “I Wish I was In Dixie” that brought many of those gathered to the point of joyful and patriotic tears.

Other rallies in Tampa, Florida, Harrison, Arkansas, Gastonia, North Carolina, and Columbia, South Carolina drew hundreds more courageous Southern patriots into the struggle, as the waves of discontent over Marxist cultural genocide continue to grow stronger.

This is only the beginning of something far greater, and a sign that a tough and hardy people, bound by ties of blood, faith, and custom, cannot be held down indefinitely by those who wish death and destruction for all.

Confederate Flag Rallies 2015-2

Confederate Flag Rallies 2015-3

Confederate Flag Rallies 2015-4-Alabama

Arkansas witnessed an ad hoc awakening on Saturday as well. No retreat, no surrender, no apology.

Confederate Flag Rallies 2015-5-Arkansas

Near Tampa, Florida, hundreds of protesters prevented a tiny group of degenerates from burning a Confederate flag.

Confederate Flag Rallies 2015-6-Flordia

A snapshot of some North Carolinians standing up for their heritage and history.

Confederate Flag Rallies 2015-7-North-Carolina

Missouri SCV, Utz. Camp Awards.

Our September 2014 camp meeting with Missouri Division Commander, Darrell Maples. Commander Maples presented awards to the camp that were won at the National Sons of Confederate Veterans Reunion held recently.



SCV and League of the South To Rally In Lexington.

From The Occidental Dissent


The Maryland/Virginia League of the South will be holding a protest in Lexington, VA this weekend on Saturday, July 26th, in response to the removal of the regimental Confederate battle flags from Lee Chapel at Washington and Lee University. The meeting will begin at the Jackson monument at 10:00 AM.

The SCV is also holding a rally:

“Washington and Lee University has desecrated Robert E. Lee’s grave, but can remedy its error by restoring the Confederate battle flags and separating the chapel from university politics, the commander of the local Sons of Confederate Veterans said.

The Lexington-based Stonewall Brigade plans Saturday to battle the removal of replica flags from Lee Chapel with a downtown flag vigil starting at noon. That will be followed by an open forum at 4 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Express to discuss how to respond to what it terms “grave robbery.” …”

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